
The family of Catholic schools across the Diocese of Hallam offers a Catholic, Gospel based education for children whose parents seek a genuine alternative to other good schools. These schools are communities of faith where God is recognised and named. They are rooted in the Church’s concept of mission and in living out a Christian lifestyle; they present a picture of Christ to catch the imagination.

Each Catholic school in the Diocese, in partnership with home and parish, has been established to be an integral part of the local Catholic community, which shares the mission of the Church to proclaim the Gospel of Christ. The provision of this network of schools in the Diocese is primarily intended to provide a place at a Catholic school for all baptised members or catechumens of the Catholic Church.

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Briefing note to all schools re: Catholic Education Service (CES) Guidance on Churches Together – May 2017

The CES recently issued the following guidance to Churches Together in England (CTE) regarding membership of their organisation and how this should be considered in relation to Admission into Catholic Schools:

Definition of children of other Christian denominations “Children of other Christian denominations” means: children who belong to other churches and ecclesial communities which, acknowledging God’s revelation in Christ, confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures, and, in obedience to God’s will and in the power of the Holy Spirit commit themselves: to seek a deepening of their communion with Christ and with one another in the Church, which is his body; and to fulfil their mission to proclaim the Gospel by common witness and service in the world to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. An ecclesial community which on principle has no credal statements in its tradition, is included if it manifests faith in Christ as witnessed to in the Scriptures and is committed to working in the spirit of the above.

All members of Churches Together in England and of CYTÛN are deemed to be included in the above definition, as are all other churches and ecclesial communities that are in membership of any local Churches Together Group (by whatever title) on the above basis.

The Designated Feeder Schools for Notre Dame High School at the present time the designated feeder schools are:

St Ann’s Catholic Primary School
St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School
St Marie’s Catholic Primary School
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School
St Thomas More’s Catholic Primary School
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School
St Wilfrid’s Catholic Primary School – (Joint Designation)

For more Information about school admission please download the Admissions Policies or contact Mrs S Giles, Administration Manager, Notre Dame High School on 0114 2302536.
Please apply for a place via the Sheffield City Council Website. 

Notre Dame High School participates in the Local Authority’s Co-ordinated Admission Scheme for in-year admissions. If a parent of a child on our roll wishes to apply for a transfer to another school, they must obtain a transfer form from the school for completion of Section 2. The application must then be sent to the Local Authority which will process the application on the parent’s behalf. The Local Authority will confirm the outcome of the application in writing within 15 school days. If the application is refused, the Local Authority will advise on the statutory appeal procedure. Any parent wishing to apply for Notre Dame as an in-year application from another Sheffield School must obtain a transfer form from their current school. Details of the Co-ordinated Admission Scheme and how in-year applications are managed can be seen at

For Information on Sixth Form Admissions and to download the Sixth Form Admission Form please click here.

Supporting Reference Forms (available to download below):


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