Year 10 Retreat Enrichment Day: A Spiritual Journey

On a bright morning without rain (!), the Year 10 students attended the  retreat based in Oakbrook House. They embarked on a deeply enriching spiritual and fun retreat as part of their Enrichment Day activities. The day commenced with a reflective tone, as students gathered in their classrooms to listen to a pre-recorded prayer message by Mrs. Otieno, setting the scene  for the events to follow through the day. 

The retreat was thoughtfully organised  into various workshops, each designed to provide unique experiences and foster both individual reflection and communal engagement. Groups of Year 10 students travelled around Oakbrook House, upstairs and downstairs, immersing themselves in diverse activities that ranged from the physically engaging to more reflective.

Among the activities was a lively game of Jenga, where students enjoyed moments of lighthearted competition. Another workshop had them navigating a secret pathway on a grid, challenging their problem-solving skills and sense of adventure. For a more tranquil experience, students relaxed and expressed their creativity by decorating mandala designs, providing a soothing period in the day.

Teamwork and collaboration we’re emphasised in an exercise where students had to work together to hold pieces of separate piping in place, ensuring a ping pong ball could travel through the tubing without falling to the floor. This activity not only tested their coordination but also highlighted the importance of unity and collective effort.

A more introspective session involved students writing prayers of the faithful, which were to be used in the Mass at the end of the day. This exercise allowed them to articulate their thoughts and prayers, contributing to a communal sense of spirituality and shared purpose.

The atmosphere at Oakbrook House was vibrant, with a palpable buzz as students moved every half hour to experience the next workshop. The variety of activities ensured that there was something for everyone, catering to different interests and fostering a sense of inclusiveness.

The culmination of the day was a beautiful Mass celebrated by Fr. Christian, a newly ordained priest from the Hallam Diocese. His presence added a special significance to the day, and the Mass was a fitting conclusion to the students’ spiritual journey. Fr. Christian’s blessings to the students and staff afterwards were a precious moment, marking a Holy and memorable time for all involved.

A heartfelt thank you goes out to all the students and staff who participated and made this retreat day a resounding success. It was a day filled with spiritual enrichment, personal growth, and community bonding, truly embodying the spirit of the retreat. God bless everyone who contributed to making this day so wonderful.


